Merry Christmas to you and yours

Merry Christmas!

May your days be filled with peace, hope,

and joy this holiday season.

As always, thank you for your business,

loyalty, and support.



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It’s About Time

And indeed it is about time. To all the many brand new sign-ons and “Add Me”s to this remarkably enduring peculiarity known as The Dip Daily, first of all, welcome. You have not been forgotten and your inbox has not missed out on anything. This is indeed Dip Daily #228, and DD #227 was delivered way back on September 14. So it’s been…a while. This next bit may get just a touch long-winded. <“As opposed to what?”> <“Shut up, asshat!”> As it turns out, “keyboard” can now be a verb. Stay with it, we’ll get there together. You know how sometimes you get bogged down and behind, like when you come back from vacation and the work is piled up on your desk like the Great Wall of China and you don’t quite know where to start? Yeah, it’s not like that, although the AMAZING summer fun the members and residents delivered in 2022 was enough to keep a crew three times our size more than busy. And oh boy did they ever step up to the challenge. Twenty points to Gryffindor!

But then sometimes, and “sometimes” in this context means your late 50’s, the Powers That Be decide that you do not have nearly enough discomfort in your life, and suddenly you find yourself unable to keyboard (there’s that verb) for longer than 10 minutes at a time without searing pain, and not even your chiropractor, who is also a wizard, can do much about it in the short term. C’mon, we’ve all been there, right?

But now, having regained the ability to keyboard, at least for now, and without further ado…(but what would we do without ado?)…Serendipity Labs* proudly presents a truncated Dip Daily # 228…(and apologies if this intro has been harder to follow than a dwarf through a corn maze.)

*Serendipity Labs – There’s a little bit of quality in everything we do

What’s Happening?

A very good question, and one that is certainly on the lips of every freedom-loving patriot. Well here it is…first up is the Christmas party on December 10, which starts off with a potluck feast not unlike the Thanksgiving bounty. But after the feast and a bit of a break for clean-up, it’s time for the cut-throat gift exchange, where you may SEE the gift you want, and may even possess it for a moment, but only by the grace of all the gods old and new will you be allowed to take it home with you. Loads of fun, right? Of course it is, and some say it is their favorite event of the year. (Those people are a little off, but OK.) Each player should bring a gift about the cost of a nice bottle of liquor (hint) and wrap it up and play the game. And, enjoy some of original Dale’s recipe hot-buttered rum while you enjoy the festivities. Rental cabins are still available!

Dec 31 – NYE party. Remember that tasteful, elegant lingerie is permitted and encouraged for this party. This year’s entertainment provided by Stone Bruises, a fantastic duo from way down in Jacksonville. More details to come, SOON, including dinner menu and party ticket cost.

Feb 11 – Valentine Sweetheart Party featuring The Nudelywed Game Show.

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